Academic, Industry & Fund Holders Collaborations



The Chalmers team working on structural power composites led by Leif E Asp, Patrik Johansson, and Peter Linde, research into structurally integrated energy storage focusing on; multifunctional materials implementation, efficient design methodologies, damage tolerance modelling, structural analysis, design and certification methods. The research in lightweight composites materials and structures aims to increase analysis capability to allow increased virtual testing, and hence reduce cost related to physical testing.

Chalmers Projects: SORCERER

Chalmers Projects: Damage Tolerance and Durability of Structural Power Composites

Chalmers - Airbus Collaboration on Multifunctional Materials



IMDEA team working on structural power composites led by Juan José Vilatela. IMDEA’s researchers have carried out work on the fabrication and study of structural power composites since 2013. The team from IMDEA Materials and IMDEA Energy Institutes combines expertise in nanomaterials synthesis, laminated composite fabrication and simulation, fire retardancy, electrochemical energy storage processes and multi-scale characterisation. Through partnership with companies from the transport sector, the team addresses challenges such as scale-up, performance in service, fire safety and analysis of weight reductions.


IMDEA Multifunctional Nanocomposites Group


KTH Royal Institute of Technology

KTH team led by Dan Zenkert, Göran Lindbergh, and Mats KG Johansson, is investigating how to improve structural batteries through the study of each cell’s components, from electrolytes, electrodes and separators, to encapsulation. Current studies include the evaluation and modelling of the total multifunctional material properties over conventional monofunctional materials, and the energy generation potential of multifunctional materials.

KTH Royal Institute of Technology


Durham University

Durham University

Durham University team is led by Natasha Shirshova researching into functional polymeric materials for energy applications. Research interests cover all aspects of the cell architecture but with a focus on the separators and electrolytes for use in structural batteries and supercapacitors.

Durham University

University of Bristol

University of Bristol

The Graded Multi-matrix Composite Group at the University of Bristol is led by Dmitry Ivanov. Research interests include multi-scale analysis, structural mechanics of textile preforms and innovative techniques for next-generation composite manufacturing.

University of Bristol: Manufacturing & Design



University of Vienna

University of Vienna

The Polymer and Composites Engineering (PaCE) Group at the University of Vienna is headed by Alexander Bismarck. The group's research interests are diverse, and their main focus for multifunctional energy storage materials is the development of scaleable production processes.

University of Vienna: Polymer and Composites Engineering (PaCE) Group

Industry & Fund Holders Collaborations


Professor Emile S Greenhalgh
Department of Aeronautics
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ

+44 (0)7958 210 089